Aerospace Education Catalogue

École Nationale Supérieure d’Ingénieurs de Bretagne-Sud


Located within the University of South Brittany, the National School of Engineering of South Brittany (ENSIBS) offers six specialties:

In Lorient
Energies, Hydrogen
Civil Engineering 4.0
Industrial Engineering 4.0

In Vannes
cyber defense
IT and Cybersecurity

All these courses are authorized by the Commission des Titres d'Ingénieurs (CTI) and accessible after a baccalaureate +2 or after the baccalaureate, thanks to our 3 preparatory classes accessible with the Geipi Polytech competition:
PEI A ENSIBS after a general baccalaureate
PEI D ENSIBS after an STI2D baccalaureate

ENSIBS trains engineers capable of innovation and entrepreneurship. A member of the Conference of Directors of the Grandes Ecoles of Brittany (CDGEB), it participates in the development of training and benefits from the synergy with the Grandes Ecoles of the region.

Students follow a balanced training between courses, tutorials and practical work that combine scientific, technological and human and social science teaching. The teaching emphasizes versatility and multidisciplinarity. The engineer is trained in project management, management and networking.

Le campus de Lorient
27 rue Armand Guillemot
CS 7030, 56321 LORIENT Cedex

Le campus de Vannes
Rue André Lwoff
CS 60573, 56017 VANNES Cedex

Training course(s) proposed