Région (of the establishment) FranceAuvergne-Rhône-Alpes (148)Bourgogne-Franche-Comté (33)Bretagne (80)Centre-Val de Loire (24)Grand-Est (89)Hauts-de-France (50)Ile-de-France (415)Normandie (62)Nouvelle-Aquitaine (167)Occitanie (353)PACA (123)Pays-de-la-Loire (72)TOM (2)Europe (25)International (1)Organisme en ligne (47)
Kind of etablishment IndifferentUniversity (822)Engineering school (809)Other organization (381)
Language IndifferentFrench (1446)English (516)Deutch (13)Italian (3)Spanich (18)
Way of training IndifferentInitial education (1224)Life-long learning (807)Sandwich/Apprenticeship training (744)Blended learning (50)Distance learning (29)E-learning (mooc, spoc, wikis ...) (46)short courses (basics) (85)short courses (advanced) (79)Webinar (2)Conference/Workshop (7)
Prepared diploma IndifferentBaccalauréat (French high school diploma), A level (1)BAC pro (French vocational baccalaureat) (5)Vocational one-year specialization becomes Certificate of Specialization (3)FCIL: Local initiative additional training (1)BTS (Two-year technical diploma) (95)DEUST (Two-year university degree in S&T) (3)BUT (three-year technological university degree) (111)Bachelor: three-year university degree (21)Vocational bachelor, three-year university vocational degree (82)French Bachelor degree (36)Bachelor or Baccalaureat (Canada) (6)Grade of Bachelor (official recognition of level 6 Degree) (2)Master or DNM: French National Master Degree (434)MSc : Master of Sciences degree from a French higher education Institute (Label of the Conférence des Grandes Ecoles) (22)Laurea Magistrale or Laurea Specialitaca (Italy) (2)MSc : Master of Sciences (international) (32)Diplôme d’ingénieur (French national engineering degree) (410)Post Second Cycle Engineering Degree (bac+6) (1)Grade of Master (official recognition of 7 level degree) (8)European Master (4)Erasmus Mundus joint Master Degrees (2)Mastère, Mastaire,... (master degree level from a French academic institution) (26)Executive Master (5)MBA : Master of Business Administration (1)Advanced Master (Label of the Conférence des Grandes Ecoles) (96)Doctorate or PhD degree (5)DU or DE: Specific French University/Higher Education Institute one-year diploma (other acronyms: DES, DSP, DESA, DESU, DESUT) (33)DIU : Specific interuniversity diploma (one-year) (1)CES: Certificate of Advanced Studies (from a higher education institution) (56)Certification (Professional certification /Vocational qualification) ou French specific CQP: Professional Training (3)Professional qualification (2)Certificate of participation (Notification of training attendance/completion) (155)BIA/CAEA: French specific Diploma in Aeronautics (8)BADGE (Accredited by French Conference des Grandes Ecoles) - continuing education (1)Others (15)
Level IndifferentBac (408)Bac +1 (1)Bac +2 (392)Bac +3 (390)Bac +4 (222)Bac +5 (126)
Domain IndifferentEngineering Sciences (1429)Applications, Operations (484)System Engineering, Programme Management, Production (494)Human and Social Sciences (184)
Topic Indifferent1 > Physics and Environment: radiation, particles, fields, debris, climatic and vibratory conditions, meteorology (185)2 > Dynamics and Kinetics (flight dynamics, space dynamics, constellations, formation flying, attitude and orbit control...) (111)3 > Mechanical Engineering (structures, structural dynamics…), Materials (composites, metallurgy, forming…), Processes, Chemistry, Mechatronics (567)4 > Thermal engineering, Energetics (174)5 > Fluid Dynamics, Aerodynamics, Acoustics (149)6 > Propulsion, Thermodynamics, Pyrotechnics (123)7 > Electrical systems (generation, storage and management of energy), Actuators, Microsystems (277)8 > Avionics and on-board Systems (embedded networks, sensors, instrumentation, etc.), Real-time Systems (353)9 > Electronics, Microelectronics, Microwaves, Propagation, Antennas, Radar, Optics, Optronics (233)10 > Control Systems, Robotics, Guidance and Control, Autonomous Systems (281)11 > Computer Science, Applied Mathematics, Modelling, Optimisation, Digital and Data Sciences, Big Data, Cryptography, Cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence (665)12 > Telecommunications, Networks, Information and Communications Technologies, Multimedia, Internet of Things, Teleservices (240)13 > Positioning, Navigation, GNSS (88)14 > Transports, Intelligent Transportations Systems (ITS), Mobility, Vehicles, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) (317)15 > Earth Observation, Remote Sensing, GIS, Geomatics (175)16 > System Engineering, Product Assurance and Safety, Qualification/Testing, Validation & Verification, Metrology, Certification (323)17 > Project Management, Production, Industrialization, Factory of the Future, Integration, Supply Chain, Maintenance, Recycling (630)18 > Human Factors, Human Machine Interfaces, Operations, Exploitation, Air Traffic Management (155)19 > Law and Business Engineering: Law, Regulations, Standards, Management, Finance, Marketing, Accounting, Purchasing, Contracts, Intellectual Property, etc. (158)20 > Health and Society: Health, Space Medicine, Biomedical, Biological Engineering, Risks, Defence, Security, Tourism, Policy (142)21 > Natural Resources and Environment Management/Protection, Infrastructures (186)22 > Space Exploration, Science, Astronomy, Astrophysics, Geophysics (82)
Keywords Keywords separated by spacesTo search for a specific expression, use the +,for example Master+geography