Arts et Métiers (Ecole)

A major engineering school, Arts et Métiers is constantly enriching its initial and continuing training offering. It now offers general engineering and specialty engineering courses (alternating), a technology bachelor's program, but also 27 research master's degrees, 16 specialized master's ® & 1 MBA and doctoral studies. The entire spectrum of technological training in higher education, from bac+3 to bac+8, is thus covered to meet all needs and expectations.
Arts et Métiers has the status of a public scientific, cultural and professional establishment (EPCSCP), and as such is placed under the supervision of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research. The school takes full part in networks aimed at promoting training and research: it is a founding member of PRES (Pôle de recherche et d’enseignement supérieur) ParisTech and the HESAM University community.
School located on 14 sites
Training course(s) proposed