Aerospace Education Catalogue

Master's degree in Aerospace Science and Technology - MAST

Course Details

Objectives: Ihis Master's Degree provides advanced training in the sciences and technology that are most used in the fields of aeronautics and space.
It includes the study of theoretical and practical groundwork, yechniques, methods and processes of current use in aerospace research

Intended for: Master students in science or engineering.
This Master is adressed to recent graduates and professionnal aiming to:
- perform a PhD thesis in the aerospace discipline
- join a R&D&I department in the aerospace industry.

Prerequisites: Bachelor degree in Physics, Mathematics, Biology, Geology, Chemistry), Engineering disciplines and Technical Engineering degree in Aeronautics.

Admission requirements: Motivation Letter on Aerospace Research.
Two reference lettrers;
Proof of proper English language knowledge.
Academic and professional CV.
25 positions

Enrolment: from 15/03/2012 to 12/07/2012

Duration and terms: 1.5 years (90 ECTS)

Notes: Partnership:- ETSEIAT (Escola Superior d'Enginyeria Industrial i Aeronautica de Terrassa
-- CRAE (Centre de Recerca Aeronautica i de l'Espai)
- CTAE (Centre de tecnologia Aeronautica i de l'Espai)
- UAB (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona)
- IEEC (Institute for Space Study of Catalonia)
- CNES (Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales)
- ESA (European Space Agency)

International partnerships: Voir rubrique commentaires

Dedicated web site:


  • 1 - Physics and Environment: radiation, particles, fields, debris, climatic and vibratory conditions, meteorology
  • 2 - Dynamics and Kinetics (flight dynamics, space dynamics, constellations, formation flying, attitude and orbit control...)
  • 13 - Positioning, Navigation, GNSS
  • 14 - Transports, Intelligent Transportations Systems (ITS), Mobility, Vehicles, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV)
  • 15 - Earth Observation, Remote Sensing, GIS, Geomatics
  • 16 - System Engineering, Product Assurance and Safety, Qualification/Testing, Validation & Verification, Metrology, Certification